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Initially started working as Radiant Business Solutions and Services LLC in the field of Oil and Gas, Pipeline crossing works for PDO and OGC Contractor grew to be called as one of the preferred NDRC contractor in Sultanate of Oman. M/s Radiant has achieved a milestone of Opening a separate Boring division in 2018 for delivering its service to Electrical, PAEW Contractors for water pipeline crossings and sewage network pipeline and grew up to be one of the preferred and leading contractor with specialized service in Sultanate of Oman. I had been to this country of Oman in the year 2003-2020 and am lucky enough to witness the progress and achievements made by this country, hence had no hesitation to start this new venture even at my age.
We are working contractors in the field of Trench-less contractors in Oman since long and are executing similar type of works related to MS Pipe crossing works by Trench-less method for Pipelines.
Non-Disruptive Road Crossing Works: Radiant has have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with a renowned experts in the field of NDRC to execute the jobs in Sultanate of Oman for Non-Disruptive Road Crossing (NDRC) Projects. Photographs of some of the projects completed are attached. Radiant is self-sufficient and has invested in NDRC heavy machineries apart from interests in other field’s viz. specialist rigs and equipment’s, complex projects utilizing all aspects of piling techniques. With the support of Director and Top Management, we are geared up to take NDRC works in Sultanate of Oman using various methods viz. Auger Boring, Pipe Jacking and Thrust Boring methods.